If you have ever had a great idea for a shirt and wished you could make some money off it then today is your lucky day. I know of the perfect place for you and it's called Cafe Press.
Cafe Press boasts that they have the "the world's largest collection of user-designed products" and I don't think they are lying. And you can join this huge community and make some cash for yourself.
I've done it and you can too. Design something (it could just be words), upload it, place it on whatever you want (from shirts to buttons to dog t-shirts to bags to coffee mugs), set your price, and advertise your shop. It's a very easy process that can bring you a pretty penny.
Here's what Cafe Press has to say about themselves:
"CafePress is for people who love sharing their passions with others. You'll find individual designers with shops of all sizes, as well as corporate stores like Snoopy, E! Online, Stand Up To Cancer and more. With no upfront costs or inventory risk (we also take care of those thorny details of doing business online, so you can concentrate on sharing what's important to you), CafePress designers use their shops to connect with a world of members and other online shoppers. All while taking advantage of the latest developments in on-demand printing."
So click below and join up! Oh and enjoy this little sale: $9 T-shirts only at
CafePress! Shop Now and Save with CafePress.

Cafe Press - Sell your own designs on T-Shirts and more!