Fairly new this site is all about short reviews. And I mean short. Try under 900 words. The site says that the average reader reads 200 words per minute and that is the reason for the short reviews. They take reviews or summaries on books, movies, websites, academic topics, artcile, or newspapers. Shvoong pays 10% of its advertising revenues to the writers and how much you get is all based on the number of views your article gets. You can get paid by PayPal or by check.
Associated Content
This is one of the big players on the scene. You cant write about pretty much anything under the sun and get paid. You can write what you want to write about or you can write about something on their Assignment Desk. The Assignment Desk gives you ideas about what to write about.
The other nice thing about Associated Content is that they make upfront payments as well as pay per view payments. That is you can write something totally original and get an upfront payment along with pay per view payments. Or if you have written something somewhere else online, you can submit that and get pay per view payments only.
Associated content is the slowest of all the sites I use at approving content. This is because they do an extensive search of the internet to make sure you are not simply copying work. The great thing about this is that you can rest assured that no one will be stealing your work and making money off of it on Associated Content. It takes anywhere from 5 - 8 days on average to get written documents approved for publishing.
You can also upload audio, video, and pictures and get pay per views. I highly recommend Associated Content.
This was the first of the sites that I joined. Here you can add pictures, written content, audio, and videos. The highlights of Triond are the websites it publishes your content to and the community of people there.
First off the websites that Triond publishes to all look perfessional and inviting to people who visit there. There are plenty of different sites for any topic you write about.
Second the users there are very supportive yet honest. They have a forum you can post to and people tend to leave you comments or "likes" on your work. Great for getting feedback.
Triond also is pretty quick at publishing your content. They also search the web to make sure what you say is your is yours. One of the differences between Triond and Associated Content is that Triond only allows original content. It also only pays on a pay per view basis. No upfront payments.
They do make it easy to spread the word of your content with a handy tool that will allow you to bookmark it to various sites including Digg and Stumble Upon. They also have some great features on their online editor that includes picture suggestions and tag suggestions.
Triond is also highly recommended.
Bukisa usually has the highest pay per view rate of the sites I'm going to review here. And you can also write about pretty much anything you want to write about. They instantly publish whatever you write. Here is one of their problems. They don't check to internet so someone may be copying your stuff elsewhere and making money off of it at Bukisa.
Buiksa design is straight to the point. Again as with any site the amount of views you get usually depends on how much leg work you do.
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